The climb of a trading futures specialist : Candace Pendleton

Candace Pendleton or the upsurge of a day trading strategist? I begin to wonder “Will this system work for everyone else but me?” So, I started sharing the system with family and friends. And their results were no different. I begin receiving incredible responses from people. Inspired by the success, I launched Today, I am living the life of my dream. My two kids are grown up Men happily married. More than anything else, I want to make the same transformation available to everyone.

Candace Pendleton is a prolific trader and mentor with over two decades of experience day trading the futures market. Using her system and coaching, thousands of people trade profitably and achieve financial freedom. She founded 123EasyTrade in 2010 and Commodities University in 2015. Hello Candace, I hope you enjoyed your vacations and are back more refresh to continue with your mission of teaching the art of trading futures. As I meditate on the abundance of blessings in my life, first I thank my Lord for sending or putting you in my life. I give Him thanks for all the talents he has given you, so you can help people like me. Today I made $4,965.00 in 3 hours. With great gratitude to God and you, Marta.

Trading software is an expensive necessity for most day traders. Those who rely on technical indicators or swing trades rely more on software than on news. This software may be characterized by the following: Automatic pattern recognition: This trading program identifies technical indicators like flags and channels, or more complex indicators such as Elliott Wave patterns. Genetic and neural applications: These programs use neural networks and genetic algorithms to perfect trading systems and make more accurate predictions of future price movements. Broker integration: Some of these applications even interface directly with the brokerage, allowing for instantaneous and even automatic execution of trades. This eliminates emotion from trading and improves execution times. Backtesting: This allows traders to look at how a certain strategy would have performed in the past to predict more accurately how it will perform in the future. Keep in mind that past performance is not always indicative of future results.

Keep in mind that there’s plenty more to learn once you have successfully completed our trading education course. You can easily register as a member of our trading education website. Here you will receive access to numerous free trading education materials, such as quizzes, articles and insights and become part of a vast network of like-minded individuals who can also help you on your quest to learn how to effectively trade. Taking our 1-2-1 trading education course will also let you learn how to trade at your own pace and choose which topics you would like to focus on more extensively, if you find them a little bit harder to understand. This style of learning has proven to be, by far, the most tailored way of learning how to trade.

I made 156 ticks LIVE MONEY trading the Nasdaq and the Russell. I quit trading around 10:30 est. I traded for approximately 1 hour to make $1,560!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us! Your system works really, really well. Stephen P. Hi Candace, Just to keep you posted, today I made $2,310.00 live money during lunch!! Marta P. First of all I can’t tell you how much I enjoy learning from and trading with you. You are truly caring, understanding and very informative. I am up approximately 13 points (I think that is the same as ticks?) this week after trading with you. This is in live money and trading only one contract at a time since I am still a newbie. I have found it very helpful to trade in a group as it is a more reassuring and learning environment. Thank you for all your help and the information that you have taught me. I still have lots to learn and am anxious to do it with you as my coach!

Day traders also like stocks that are highly liquid because that gives them the chance to change their position without altering the price of the stock. If a stock price moves higher, traders may take a buy position. If the price moves down, a trader may decide to sell short so they can profit when it falls. Regardless of what technique a day trader uses, they’re usually looking to trade a stock that moves (a lot). Who Makes a Living by Day Trading? There are two primary divisions of professional day traders: those who work alone, and/or those who work for a larger institution. Most day traders who trade for a living work for large players like hedge funds and the proprietary trading desks of banks and financial institutions. These traders have an advantage because they have access to resources such as direct lines to counterparties, a trading desk, large amounts of capital and leverage, and expensive analytical software.

Trading practice shows that in any market and assets (currency pairs, stocks, futures) up to 80% of transactions open on the trend end in profit. And for binary options signals with a predetermined expiration time, the presence of an explicit price direction is mandatory. Let’s start by defining what a trend is: Uptrend or «bullish». Each next price maximum (top) and minimum (trough) is higher than the previous one. Downtrend or «bearish». Each next max/min is lower than the previous one. To simplify the analysis, trend lines are plotted on the chart after at least three max/min. Training courses binary options for newbies recommend opening trades only in the direction of the main trend.

Candace Pendleton and the climb of a commodity trading expert: There was a time years ago when the only people able to trade actively in the stock market were those working for large financial institutions, brokerages, and trading houses. The arrival of online trading, along with instantaneous dissemination of news, have leveled the playing—or should we say trading—field. The easy-to-use trading apps and 0% commissions of services like Robinhood, TD Ameritrade, and Charles Schwab have made it easier than ever for retail investors to attempt to trade like the pros.